You won’t always have a ton of time to engage with the Chief People Officer, so you should know how to capitalize on your interactions with these executives.
If you have a Chief People Officer who is transactional, doesn’t speak up, and has morale or turnover issues within their own team, you’ll need to address it quickly.
A great Chief People Officer is strategic, courageous, and financially astute. They know they’re the role model for the company; their behavior sets the tone.
As a startup, it’s easy to focus on the tangible, tactical operations of the People team, but if you want to scale, you’ll need someone in your organization who cares deeply about your values.
To better understand the impact of the Great Resignation on C-level executives in the United States, we analyzed the profiles of 5,000+ Bolster members.
if you’re on any given board for any length of time, you’ll feel compelled to give difficult feedback either to the CEO, senior management, or the other directors.