We deliver quality candidates with speed, precision, and transparency.
Our recruiters have decades of experience and specialize in hiring executives across functions. We combine their expertise with our unique, AI-driven platform to surface the best candidates and deliver a superior executive search experience.
Fast Results
Time is money, and the absence of a key leader during a lengthy search process can cause issues for your team. We'll kick off your search and introduce you to quality candidates in days, not weeks. As a result, we complete successful searches significantly faster than the industry average.
We work on executive searches across functions and industries, but we’re not a team of generalists. Each of our recruiters has their own area of expertise, which means you’ll work with someone who specializes in your specific talent needs.
Our intelligent platform streamlines our workflow, giving our recruiters more time to focus on finding top talent for your team. You can also access search details—from candidate assessments to the latest feedback—on the platform, making it easy to collaborate with other stakeholders.
We use a simple, flat-fee pricing structure. There are no hidden fees, and our team isn’t incentivized by variable costs or salary-based commissions. When you work with us, you know exactly what you’re getting.
At Bolster, AI isn’t just a buzzword. It streamlines our workflows, giving our recruiters more time to do what they do best: finding exceptional talent.
How It Works
Take the bias out of the evaluation process. We use large language models to compare your job requirements to a candidate's entire professional background, giving an unbiased assessment of each candidate.
Access everything about a candidate in one place. Natural language processing allows us to summarize, search, and generate insights about anything related to a candidate, like preliminary notes, written feedback, and candidate assessments.
See status updates in real time. Our platform allows us to show you everything related to your search in one place, so you always have access to the latest feedback, up and down votes, and new candidates to consider.
Trusted by these high growth companies
Don't just take our word for it.
Here's what some of our clients have to say:
Head of Customer Success
“The Bolster team did a fantastic job! They were extremely responsive and went above and beyond throughout our search. I was really impressed by the quality and consistency of the candidates."
Chief Marketing Officer
"Bolster’s meticulous process, insightful guidance, and unwavering support gave us the confidence to make a transformative hire."
"Bolster truly partnered with us in our search for a CEO, helping us find a fantastic leader who aligns with our mission and brings the functional expertise we needed."