Many CEOs base their executive talent strategy on traditional executive search practices, but these come with hidden costs that can negatively impact your company.
As a startup, it’s easy to focus on the tangible, tactical operations of the People team, but if you want to scale, you’ll need someone in your organization who cares deeply about your values.
If they don't do the work, tech CEOs will continue to bemoan the lack of diversity in their leadership ranks and miss out on the benefits of diverse leadership, while not taking ownership for those efforts stalling.
A CCO touches nearly every part of the organization, from sales, to product, to marketing. They are a collaborator, a champion for customers, and a strategic thinker that understands consumer trends and demographics.
In most startups, the founder is the first salesperson and while it may be difficult to let that go you’ll eventually scale, add sales reps, or maybe some form of a Sales Manager once there are more than a couple of reps.
Depending on the complexity of your business you might be able to hold off on hiring a full-time CFO, but if you have any of these signs then it’s time to start thinking about bringing someone on board
The usual approach for finding candidates is to search for people who have some things in common with us, or have some experience that resonates with us, and that we can more easily put in a box
Hiring on-demand executives can help ensure that there’s a good fit between the candidate and the company. Want to save time and money in the interviewing and onboarding stages, and ensure high performance post-onboarding?
I’ve often said that the hiring process doesn’t end on the employee’s first day. The same goes for new board members -- you have to take their onboarding as seriously as you take their hiring process.
Recruiting and interviewing candidates to join your board as an independent director is time consuming and there really aren’t any shortcuts or workarounds.
Startup Boards for CEOs Series: Post 5 of 9. You’d never hire a senior executive without putting together some kind of job spec or requirements document to guide the process, to get you from point A to point B. Hiring an independent board member is no different.